Digital education for nonprofits. One video at a time.

Trusted by humans who make an impact!

I capture knowledge from across your network.

Subject matter experts, community leaders, and program alumni in your network are a Zoom call away. My job is to capture their stories and expertise for your nonprofit learning programs using video. I produce, write, direct, edit, and deliver these videos using the remote production system I have created in partnership with over a dozen education non-profits.

My system takes care of the messy part.

I get on busy people's calendar.

Successful people are generous with their knowledge but short on time. I schedule, reschedule, respond, and accommodate until I get what we need. But always with patience, gratitude and respect. That's how I've been able to get time from busy people for the benefit of learners.

My system strengthens your connections.

I write scripts and interview questions.

Scripted videos offer a predictable and succinct way to deliver key information. Interview videos uncover universal lessons embedded in a person's lived experience. I use my pressure-tested writing process to get the best of both approaches.

My system invites serendipity and ensures clarity.

I record high-quality video in the cloud.

A high-quality video is engaging, not expensive. Remote production allows me to provide each participant with a convenient, supportive, and fun recording experience so they can present their most engaging selves. Affordability is the bonus.

My system brings the best out of people.

I edit raw footage into teachable stories.

Humans use stories to communicate, connect, and engage. Whether I'm reviewing raw manuscripts or raw footage, I 'm always looking for key narrative elements: compelling characters, emotional connection, conflict, resolution, universal themes. I structure these elements into short-form audio, video, and editorial content that support students on their journey.

My system makes learning memorable.

I deliver content that grows with you.

A learning experience is not just content. Your needs, objectives, activities, assessments, incentives, technology, and revenue model will evolve over time. The videos we create can be redeployed each time your programs evolve.

My system makes content evergreen.

Hi, I'm Joey 👋 I am a Learning Video Producer who has designed and built digital learning experiences for dozens of nonprofits, schools, and universities. I also teach in the Learning Technology and Experience Design graduate program at NYU. I live in the Bronx with my wife and son. Reach out and say hi!